Hydro-Eakly Senior Profile Sierra Garcia

  • Hydro-Eakly Senior Profile Sierra Garcia

Sierra Garcia is a senior at Hydro-Eakly High School. Her parents are Tina Exinia and David Garcia. She has two younger siblings, Isabel and Victor.

Garcia has been at Hydro-Eakly since she was in head start.

“I grew up in Hydro, but I moved around a lot, too. So I remember living in Fort Cobb until I was 10,” Garcia said.

Garcia said she is ready to graduate, but she knows she will miss her friends.

“My senior year is definitely teaching me to be more independent and grow as a person,” she said.

Garcia wants to attend college and become a child development psychologist.

“There are so many children in this world who struggle, whether it’s at home or in school, and most have nobody to communicate with,” she said. “I want to give these children a chance to grow and feel welcomed and loved.”

Garcia’s interests include reading poetry books and writing manuscripts.

“When I find a book I love, I like to highlight my favorite parts,” Garcia said. “My mind is always thinking of some sort of story, so recently, I started writing down some of my plots, characters and ideas.”

Garcia also said she likes to sing.

“I sing all the time despite sounding like a dying cow,” she said.

During her time at school, Garcia said she has enjoyed hanging out with friends.

“After lunch, me and my friends would hang out by our vehicles and just talk and laugh the whole time,” she said. “I don’t remember a time I was ever sad when I was around those boys.”

Garcia said she has had many influential teachers.

“Every teacher I’ve had has made some sort of impact on my life to make me the person I am today. I’ve had a few teachers who’ve pushed me more than others.”

Garcia is most proud of the growth she has made as a person and the confidence and the self-love she feels for herself.

“I would tell my past self it’s okay to cry when you feel down, and it’s okay to not fit in,” she said. “Nobody is perfect, and the right people will like you for who you are.”

She said she hopes her future self stays motivated to be the best version of herself.

“I hope I keep that self-love and confidence because I know times will get rough, but rough isn’t forever,” she said. “Depend on your friends when you need to and love deeply.”